Our Credentials

It is the intent of The Admiral James J. Carey Foundation that our credentials come from the basic organizational documents when this foundation was begun, the numerous documents on file in the foundation which outline and specify Admiral Carey’s donor intent and how this foundation is to function and operate and how it’s assets and funds are to be used, and by the tremendous list of credentials and honors and awards and recognition that were achieved by Admiral Carey during his lifetime and are now being transitioned to this foundation so that they can be carried on in perpetuity. It is further the intent of this foundation that future credentials will accrue as our various endowments are negotiated and written endowment agreements outlining donor intent and agreed uses of the endowment funds are signed and put in place.

The Admiral Carey Foundation Management Team

Will Brooks
Mr. Will Brooks
Director of Long Range Philanthropy
Admiral Carey Foundation
Jason Nguyen
Mr. Jason Nguyen
Director of Programs
Admiral Carey Foundation
Ms. Hanna Slomianyj
Ms. Hanna Slomianyj
Director of Women's Programs
Admiral Carey Foundation